With the further easing of community safe management measures (SMMs), from 26 April 2022,
- Vaccination-Differentiated SMMs (VDS) will be removed from congregational worship and other services except for services involving more than 500 persons at any one time.
- Stepping down on the use of Trace Together (TT) and Safe Entry(SE)
How does this impact our onsite Services?
- All onsite Services will be non-VDS, if less than 500 persons.
- Trace Together Safe Entry is not required to enter church premises.
- Singing in religious classes with masks on will be allowed.
Mask-wearing is still required on church premises.
English Service (Sanctuary Level 2)
8.30 am & 11.00 am onsite Services
Mandarin Service (Kuehn Hall Level 1)
10.30 am onsite Service
Cantonese Service (Kuehn Hall Level 1)
2.00 pm onsite Service (weekly Services resume in May 2022)