Reflections – Missions and Me by Miss Hee PC

Reflections – Missions and Me by Miss Hee PC

I used to believe that missions is for the special few called by God to “GO”.  I read about and was greatly inspired by the life and work of individuals like David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, Gladys Alyward and others who went and made so much difference for God.  But I never felt that God was calling me to go.  So I remained – contented to let those called to go.

However as I understood more of God’s mission I began to understand missions differently. I began to see that God had a mission after Adam’s disobedience – to reconcile the world to Himself so that all peoples would worship and glorify Him. I saw that the incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus was the cornerstone of God’s mission. I learnt that before His Passion Jesus entrusted this mission to His disciples as He prayed for them in John 17:18 – As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. I read that before His ascension Jesus told His disciples again about his charge to them. This is recorded in 3 accounts – in John 20:21 – As the Father has sent me, I am sending you;  in Matt 28:19-20 – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you; and again in Acts 1:8 – You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. I realised that this charge is now with us who are His disciples today.

Next I came to realise that God accomplishes His mission through His people.  Who else can testify or witness to who God is and His purpose for man? Who can share about God’s good news about His plan for the salvation of mankind? Who can share about the peace and joy of knowing that God is sovereign?  It is you and I. You and I who have experienced God’s grace and goodness in our very own lives. You and I who can speak about God’s protection, provision and help in our lives.  God needs the participation of all who belong to His kingdom to accomplish His mission. There is no exception. We are all part of God’s mission force needed and sent to accomplish His mission. What can I do?  I am not called to GO yet I am part of God’s mission force and I want to play my part. Two phrases in Matt 28:18 and Acts 1:8 provided me with the key as to how I can be active in God’s mission force. Jesus said “GO and make disciples & BE my witnesses”. I can either GO or Be a witness. However to be a witness means I need to have first-hand account or experience. I need to be involved.

Next I came to realise that God accomplishes His mission through His people. Who else can testify or witness to who God is and His purpose for man? Who can share about God’s good news about His plan for the salvation of mankind? Who can share about the peace and joy of knowing that God is sovereign? It is you and I. You and I who have experienced God’s grace and goodness in our very own lives. You and I who can speak about God’s protection, provision and help in our lives. God needs the participation of all who belong to His kingdom to accomplish His mission. There is no exception. We are all part of God’s mission force needed and sent to accomplish His mission. What can I do? I am not called to GO yet I am part of God’s mission force and I want to play my part. Two phrases in Matt 28:18 and Acts 1:8 provided me with the key as to how I can be active in God’s mission force. Jesus said “GO and make disciples & BE my witnesses”. I can either GO or Be a witness. However to be a witness means I need to have first-hand account or experience. I need to be involved.

There are 6 ways to be active in God’s mission force according to OMF Singapore. I can be part of God’s mission force by doing one or more of these 6 ways:

I can LEARN about about missions and what God is doing in the world and where He is working.
I can PRAY for God’s mission and for those who are working in the field.
I can GO on short-term mission trips to bring the Good News to other lands.
I can SEND those who GO by participating in Fairfield’s Mission Care Partnership scheme. Mission Care Partners are the home team for each missionary who GO.
I can WELCOME those who are here in Singapore from foreign lands or those who have not heard the Gospel as yet. The Chinese National Ministry and the Bangladesh ministry of Fairfield provide opportunities for participation. So does the CITY CONNECT programme.
I can MOBILISE for God’s mission by telling others about God’s mission and what is happening in the various fields as well as what God is doing in making Fairfield a mission field itself.
Today I cannot say I missions is for the special few. Missions is for me. Missions is for you too or as sister K puts it “missions should be a way of life for all Christ’s disciples; it is not optional.” There are no reservists in God’s mission force.

I believe that is we ALL rise up and be active in God’s mission force “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”


Am I on active service in God’s mission force?
How else does God want me to serve in His mission force?