Those seeking baptism, confirmation and reception into membership in Fairfield Methodist Church (including transfer of membership) are required to complete all 8 sessions of the Baptism & Membership Class. This class covers topics on Christianity beliefs and behaviour, sacraments, mission, history and polity of The Methodist Church in Singapore and Fairfield Methodist Church.
Dates: 19 January to 15 March 2020 (every Sunday)
Time: 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Venue: To be advised
Closing Date for Registration: Sunday, 5 January 2020
Date of Baptism, Confirmation and Reception into Membership: 12 April 2020
Please note that candidates for confirmation and membership must be at least 16 years old on 1st January 2020 and have been worshipping at Fairfield Methodist Church for at least 6 months and is a member of a small group for at least a year. If you were baptised as an infant or child, you would need to fulfil this requirement before you can be confirmed and received into the membership of Fairfield Methodist Church.
Please note for Infant/Child baptism, parents are required to attend a briefing on 5 April 2020 12.15pm at PIC’s office.
Registration form for the class can be obtained from the rack at the entrance of the Sanctuary. For more details, please contact Mr Chan Siew Leong (PTM, Pastoral Care).