The Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC) has general oversight of the programme of the local church in pursuing the primary task of the local church – reaching out and receiving with joy all who will respond; encouraging people in their relationship with God and inviting them to the commitment to God’s love in Jesus Christ.

In between the sessions of the Local Conference, the LCEC acts as the executive agency of the Local Conference, under which are all the ministry (programme) and administrative committees.

Year 2024/2025
Rev Dr Bernard Chao (with effect from 1 Dec 2024)
Rev Ivan Tan
Chairman: Mr Mark Zhou
Vice Chairman: Mr Alan Chou Chee Wei
Lay Leader: Mr Daniel Chiam
Associate Lay Leader: Mr Ong Chee Yong
Associate Lay Leader: Dr Morgan Zhou
Associate Lay Leader: Dr Cheah-Foo Fung Fong
Associate Lay Leader: Mrs Edwina Lim

Chairperson, Missions:
Dr Tsai Kuo Tsing
Chairperson, Witness & Evangelism: Pastors’ Office
Chairperson, Outreach & Social Concerns:
Mrs Shermaine Tang
Coordinator, Chinatown Ministries (YCC President): Mr Loh Yew Chiong (wef May 2021)
Coordinator, Chinese Ministries: Mr Walter Tan
Coordinator, BB/GB: Mr Barnabas Wong

Coordinator, Youth Ministy:
Mrs Kathleen Chan-Soh Lin Tuan
Coordinator, Children Ministry: Pastors’ Office
Coordinator, Small Group Ministry:
Mrs Edwina Lim-Kwan Lai Pink
Coordinator, Family Life: Mrs Amelia Tan-Tang
Coordinator, Glowing Years Ministry: Mrs Cindy Sin
President, Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS): Mrs Kristina Chiam-Anton
Chairperson, Worship & Music: Mr James Lee
Chairperson, Discipleship & Nurture: Dr Daniel Poon

Chairperson, Finance:
Ms Chang Mui Yin
Church Treasurer:
Ms Jane Soh
Chairperson, Property Management: Mr Yeam Shin Loong
Chairperson, Church Governance: Mr Daryl Choong Shang Wei
Church Archivist: Mr Alex Tang

Recording Secretary: Mrs Margaret Tham-Cham
Asst Recording Secretary: Mrs Elaine Ho-Chia
Honorary Steward: Ms Hee Piang Chin