Posts from August 2019

Posts from August 2019

Reflections – Missions and Me by Miss Hee PC

I used to believe that missions is for the special few called by God to “GO”.  I read about and was greatly inspired by the life and work of individuals like David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, Gladys Alyward and others who went and made so much difference for God.  But I never felt that God was calling me to go.  So I remained – contented to let those called to go. However as I understood more of God’s mission I began…

Reflections – Missions and the Kingdom of God by Sister K

“and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” Lk 9:2 Very often people relate missions to a select few, whom they think are specially gifted or spiritually equipped. While it is true that some people have specific calling to fulfil God’s purposes to further his Kingdom’s work, the calling to all God’s people in His Kingdom is to missions. “the field is wide unto harvest, and the labourers are few.” When Jesus…