Posts from 2020
First on-site Holy Communion Service
FFMC, along with other Methodist Churches in Singapore, suspended all Worship Services and church activities on 22 March 2020. Thanks to the dedicated team of volunteers/staff, we are able to worship online in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. On 6 September 2020, some 50 members, together with 11 Service Volunteers and the entire pastoral team, were finally able to return to Church to celebrate Holy Communion together. Take a peep at the happenings on that day!
Missions 2020 – Reflection on Mission for the Lord by Sister K
Very often, when we think of missions, we would think that we are doing something for God; and that is to miss the mark. In actual fact, it is God who is doing great things for us. Indeed, when God chooses someone to do a certain task, he always ensures that that person will be equipped with some basic skills or talents for it. And through the years and decades of being on the field, the person will grow and…
Missions 2020 – Confronting the Storm by Dr Chan Yew Ming
The world is in a state of flux with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many countries to close their national border or to restrict international travel, and bringing huge economic impact on business and employment. Above all, it generates social and emotional pressure on those who are struggling in coping with all sorts of confinement and restriction. Nobody for sure know exactly what the “new normal” would be like, and coping with the uncertainty requires institutions and businesses to plan ahead…
Missions 2020 – Compelled by the Spirit by Dr Roland Chia
‘And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there’ (Acts 20:22). In his farewell address to the leaders of the Ephesian church in Miletus, Paul told them that the Holy Spirit has compelled him to go to Jerusalem. Although the Spirit had warned him that ‘imprisonments and afflictions’ await him (20:23), Paul didn’t really know what was the exact purpose of the journey. Despite the uncertainties, Paul was determined to…
Missions 2020 – I am a Missionary by CSL
My understanding of Mission when I was a young Christian about 40 years ago was limited by my environment, the Christians I mixed with. It was all confined by the 4 walls of the Church. When someone stepped out of the Church and went on mission to other countries, to me that person must be very close to God. How did he/she hear the calling? There was so much sacrifice for a missionary, I thought. It seemed to me when…
Missions 2020 – Out of Self into Christ by LT
From the day I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour in 1980, I was very fervent in the things of God and was very involved in church ministry. BUT, the promptings of God, to surrender my life to full time ministry did not go down well with me. I did not want to go down this type of road. For years, I would negotiate with God and justify with good ‘reasons’ how not to serve as a…
Reflections – A Maundy Thursday Reflection
17 But in the following instructions I do not commend you, because when you come together it is not for the better but for the worse. 18 For, in the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you. And I believe it in part, 19 for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized. 20 When you come together, it is not the Lord’s supper that…