

ALPHA 2025

Alpha is a place to ask the big questions of life. Connect with others to explore the Christian faith together.  Each session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Join us or invite your friends and family

Date:  25 Feb to 20 May 2025
Time:  Every Tuesday, 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm (Fairfield Hall)
Alpha Weekend – 12 April, Saturday, 9.00am – 4.00pm (Fairfield Hall)

Join us on 25 Feb for an Alpha Introductory Dinner!

Who is Alpha for?

Alpha is a safe place for those who:

  • are exploring the Christian faith
  • are searching for the meaning of life
  • are seeking to build an understanding of the Christian faith
how to register

Click this link to register or contact Jerry Teo (9627 0009) or Richard Yap (9623 8312).
Register now.

Alpha Schedule

Session 1: (25 Feb) Is There More to Life Than This?
Session 2: (4 Mar) Who is Jesus?
Session 3: (11 Mar) Why did Jesus die?
Session 4: (18 Mar) How can I have faith?
Session 5: (25 Mar) Why & how do I pray?
Session 6: (1 Apr) Why and how should I read the Bible?
Session 7: (8 Apr) How does God guide us?

Alpha Weekend (Session 8-10) (12 April)
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What does the Holy Spirit do?
How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Session 11: (22 Apr) How Can I Resist evil?
Session 12: (29 Apr) Does God Heal Today?
Session 13: (6 May) Why and How Should I Tell Others?
Session 14: (13 May) What about the Church?
Session 15: (Graduation) (20 May) How can I make the most of my life?