A workshop organised by Family Life Ministry and WSCS
Date: Sunday, 6 October 2019 Time: 1.15 pm – 3.15 pm
Venue: Fairfield Hall Cost: $3 per adult, $5 per couple
Speaker: Dr Cheah Fung Fong is a recognized expert in social services, medical doctor and member of Fairfield.
Some parents may feel uncomfortable about having conversations with their kids about sexuality; but if they don’t, they abdicate it to culture. Society today is awash with all manner of depictions about sexuality – books, cartoons, advertisements, social media, movies and more – that promote promiscuity, pornography and sexual freedom. This talk will give parents an understanding of what today’s kids are grappling with. It will also provide tips on how parents can have this important conversation with their child, including faith conversations that will guide kids with a biblical worldview so that they can decipher the messages that are coming from a post-modern culture.
Registration starts on 15 September at the lobby.